Here’s your first set of French oral questions you may get on your French leaving cert oral exam. I suggest you listen to the questions first by watching the video below, you can then come back to this post to check them out and work on the ones you had trouble with.
Good luck!
Try and answer these French oral questions in the video first:
Now check here if you understood those French oral questions correctly:
- Comment vous appelez-vous?
- Quel age avez-vous?
- Quelle est votre date de naissance?
- Quelle est la date de votre anniversaire?
- Vous avez des frères et sœurs?
- Combien êtes-vous a la maison?
- Parlez moi de votre famille.
- Que font vos parents dans la vie?
- Ou habitez-vous?
- Comment est-ce que vous allez a l’école le matin?
- Vous aimez vivre a la campagne?
- Vous aimez vivre a la ville?
Well, how did you get on?
Now you can go to this 2nd set of French oral questions to keep preparing for your French Leaving Cert Oral exam!