French Leaving Cert Listening Comprehension Video Exercises
How to prepare for the French Leaving Cert Aural part of the exam?
I see a lot of students lose out marks on the French Leaving Cert listening comprehension not because they don’t know the key words/phrases that they hear in the recordings but because they fail to recognize them. This comes from a lack of exposure to the material in an audio format over the years they’ve been studying French in school. It is therefore recommended that students listen to French audio material on an ongoing basis (French movies,tv,radio,podcasts,CD’s etc…) outside of the classroom. But like I said, many fail to do so.
Here’s a series of video exercises that covers basic vocabulary that you should absolutely be able to understand on hearing them. Make sure you have reviewed and mastered those before going into your French Leaving Cert Aural exam!
French Leaving Cert Listening Comprehension – Numbers
French Leaving Cert Listening Comprehension – Colours
French Leaving Cert Listening Comprehension – Countries & Nationalities
French Leaving cert Listening Comprehension – Professions
French Leaving Cert Listening Comprehension – Days Of The Week
French Leaving Cert Listening Comprehension – The Months
French Leaving Cert Listening Comprehension – The Weather
French Leaving Cert Listening Comprehension Exercise – The Time
French Leaving Cert Listening Comprehension – Time Frame & Seasons
And this concludes this video series to practice your French Leaving Cert listening comprehension, I wish you the best of luck with your French Leaving Cert and the rest of the exams! And if you could spare a minute, please let me know how you got on with your exam on my facebook page https://www.facebook.com/LearnFrenchWithJen
Bon courage a tous et a toutes!
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