“Le Corbeau Et Le Renard” récité par mon plus jeune élève cette annee (2014).
“Le Corbeau Et Le Renard” recited by my youngest student this year!
I thought it would be fun to teach Nicholas (12) this popular French fable from Jean de La Fontaine that I had to learn myself in primary school about 30 years ago.
Nicholas has been learning French with me for the past 2 years, 1-2 hours a week, he is my youngest and fastest learning student!
Doesn’t he sound just like a native French speaker?
Kids are like sponges, they absorb everything, especially when it comes to languages. I always say, the younger, the better it is to learn a new language.
Enjoy Nicholas’ rendition of Le Corbeau et Le Renard !
à bientôt,
I agree, the earlier they can learn a 2nd language, the better!!! Look at children that can speak bilingual, translating for their parents. I always find that amazing!! Nice post Jen!
Wow that is phenomenal… Love the progress 🙂