Since it’s Christmas break AND we’re in for another round of “confinement”… why not indulge in some binge-watching “tout en français” so that you can still improve your french in your off time 😉
Here are some of my personal recommendations that I’ve enjoyed watching on Netflix/Prime Video/Youtube. I suggest you select the French audio option without subtitles (sans les sous-titres) as I find them distracting and not always accurate.
Mes séries préférées (sur Netflix):
-Dix Pour Cent (Call My Agent!)
-Family Business
-Plan Coeur (The Hook Up Plan)
-Mauvaises Herbes (Bad Seeds)
-La Mante
Films que j’ai bien aimés (sur Netflix ou Prime Video):
-Intouchables (The Untouchables)
-Le Jeu (Nothing To Hide)
-L’ascension (The Climb)
-Je Ne Suis Pas Un Homme Facile (I Am Not An Easy Man)
-Un peu, beaucoup, aveuglement (Blind Date)
-Jour J (Wedding Unplanned)
-Il A Déjà Tes Yeux (He Even Has Your Eyes)
-10 Jours En Or
Humoristes qui me font rire (sur Netflix ou Youtube):
-Gad Elmaleh
-Florence Foresti
There are plenty more programmes/shows now available in French, do you have any that you’ve enjoyed? Please share with us in the comments below! or on my facebook page here.
Voila, happy binge-watching et bon confinement No.3
et j’en profite pour vous souhaiter une excellente année 2021 pleine de réussite!