If you’re a swiftie and want to do a document for your French oral, why not do it on Taylor Swift?
Follow the same guidelines if you’re doing a document on any other celebrity/personality of your choice.
There is not set time for how long the document part of your oral exam will last, it could be 3-4 minutes more or less.
Document Preparation Steps
- If you decide to do your document on Taylor Swift or any other celebrity, I suggest you pick up to 3/4 photos that depicts what you want/feel comfortable to talk about. If you are using a magazine cover or article, make sure the writing is in French. Give it a title in French, for example “Taylor Swift – Un Phenomene Mondial” or “Mon Experience au Concert de Taylor Swift, The Eras Tour” (again, something that depicts the theme you want to focus on).
2. Prepare your own little intro-presentation to get the conversation going (like the rest of the oral you want to be the one guiding the conversation whenever you can). Your intro could be something like ” J’ai prepare mon document sur mon artiste preferee Taylor Swift, je suis fan de Taylor depuis l’age de 11 ans. J’adore sa musique, mais aussi les messages qu’elle fait passer a travers ses paroles etc3….
You could also introduce some numbers/stats such as awards won, number of albums, sell out shows, audience attendance, net worth etc…
3. You want to be able to describe each photo/s, that’s why you don’t need more than 3 or 4. You’d say something like: “Voici une photo de Taylor Swift sur scene lors de sa dernière tournée The Eras Tour…”, or “Sur cette photo vous pouvez me voir avec ma meilleure amie (their name) lorsque nous sommes allées voir Taylor Swift en concert à Dublin en juin dernier…”
4. Try and think of any possible questions that could come up (brainstorm with a friend), from obvious questions such as What type of music does she make / What is your favourite song / Why is she so popular /How much were the tickets to her show etc…to more abstract ones like her influence on young people, her impact on economies (the swift effect), her stand on feminism, political or societal message etc… This could also lead to more generic questions about fame, for example What are the challenges famous people have to face etc…
Like for the rest of your oral exam, try not to sound like you’ve memorized everything (even if you have) but take a more conversational tone as the examiner is more likely to cut you off and ask a new question if they think you’re merely reciting.
Voila, hope that helps!
Let me know in the comments 😉